Tijuana, Baja Mexico

The next string of posts include friends I met through my church last year. I was interning in the college ministry, and set to go on my first-ever mission trip to Tijuana, in Baja Mexico.

Before working at Fellowship I didn't believe in short-term mission trips – equating them to 19th century imperialistic pursuits at their finest.  I don't love the way missions has gotten muddled with white supremacy and stripped nationalists of their beings. I do, however believe in Jesus. I believe that Bible is inherently God's voice, and I believe that He tells us to share what his son Jesus did for us. Whether that means right where I'm sitting or to the ends of the earth. Thus, missions are important - we've just messed it up like everything else. 

Luckily at Fellowship, they share a lot of my same concerns.  Over the past years they've edified and strived to mirror the Bible' s truths in their actions. They've made friends all over the world that they've partnered with for years. It's not about fixing people and changing things, but learning from each other. Working with the same goal in mind and using one another's strengths.